, pub-9199948838569400, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Free P2P internet TV SopCast Download

Live Channels are streaming television channels mostly from China, Japan, and Korea. VoD Channels are videos-on-demand, and MyServer lets you broadcast media from their computers to other SopCast users. We couldn't get the VoD options to work, but the Live Channels pulled in cartoons from China, sports from Europe, and music videos from Brazil. You can add channels to a favorites list, adjust the screen size, and more. However, refresh rates were slow, and video playback often froze.

1. Reduced the start time and memory usage when playing H.264 channels.
2. Fixed a bug that crashes client when switching channels.
3. Fixed a bug in Diagnose tool when running on Windows 7.

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